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Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) and Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)

What is APQP?

Advanced Product Quality Planning method to assure that a product satisfies the customer (both internal and external)
The goal of APQP is to:
Plan before acting
Anticipate and prevent issues
Validate before moving forward
Facilitate communication

Each Advanced Product Quality Plan is unique and is a living document
Particular emphasis should be placed on identifying critical path activities and ensuring those are fully resourced


Automotive industry challenges:
Innovation, more complex product
Reduce NPD times
Complicated Supply chain
Increasing customer and quality requirements
Ford, GM, Chrysler APQP Task Force jointly developed in the late 80’s to standardize their respective supplier quality systems.
Continuous Improvement:
Many industries outside the Automotive industry have embraced the AIAG APQP process to achieve similar benefits 

  1. APQP – timing chart and phases - AIAG

 The Advanced Product Quality Planning process consists of four phases and five major activities and has some 20+ supporting tools (e.g. DFMEA, PFMEA, CTQ, Special Characteristics, Control Plan, SPC) along with ongoing feedback assessment and corrective action.


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